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Friday, August 22, 2008
Boredom!{3:10 PM}

Yay! done watching OC season 2 in 3 days!! ^_^
looking foward for season 3!!
stuck at home today.. finally 'resting'.. but feeling super hyper..
i wan my donuts!! or my waffles!

been doing crappish stuff the WHOLE DAY..
Sang The barney song for almost AN HOUR..
sang it backwards too! lalala..

i love you..
you love me..
we are happy family..
with a great big hug
and a kiss for me to you
won't you say you love me too..

you love i..
me love you..
family happy are we..
hug big great a with
you to me for kiss a and
too me love you say you won't...

It's official..

My Happy Ending . . .{2:04 PM}

This is a story i wrote during the holidays.. was seriously bored.. so yeah.. hope u guys enjoy it.. comment on it okay! =) that's a MUST!

Happy Ending . . .

She lay in bed, eyes staring straight up at the ceiling. Her eyes hurt from the crying she had been doing all night. Her throat was dry, and when she swallowed, it hurt.

The grandfather’s clock downstairs chimed eight times. It was eight in the morning. Time to wake up, she thought dully.

Right on cue, her mother burst into the room, resplendent in a sunny yellow dress. “Natalie. Time to wake up.”

Natalie stared at her mother angrily as her mother took in her tear-streaked face. “Oh, stop the nonsense, Natalie. Today is your happy day. Wash your face, get ready and then come down,” her mother said crossly and left the room.

Minutes ticked by. Natalie mechanically stood up and headed to the bathroom. When she was clean and pretty, she went downstairs.

The mansion she lived in was a state of flurried activity. Maids scuttled past her, dusting, cleaning, decorating, preparing food doing all sorts of rubbish. Pure rubbish, she said resentfully to herself.

Her cousin Cameron appeared. Cameron and Natalie had been close ever since they were children, and Cameron knew how Natalie felt about today.

“Oh, Natalie. I’m sorry,” Cameron whispered, pulling Natalie in for a hug.

Natalie remained motionless. She couldn’t even cry anymore. Her energy sent. “Chin up. Natalie. I know it’s hard but you’re strong,” Cameron said encouragingly to Natalie

Time whipped past them, and before Natalie knew it, it was noon. It was twelve o’clock.

Time to get ready.

“Natalie! Where are you? The hairdresser and the make up artist are here.” shrieked Natalie’s mother.

Natalie allowed herself to be led into a small room. As the hairdresser artfully twisted her hair into curls, she heard someone come in.

She turned, expecting to see Cameron. But-no-it wasn’t – it was – “Dawson,” she whispered.

The hairdresser and the make up artist stared at her.
“Is he supposed to be here?” asked the hairdresser.

Natalie ignored them. She ran to Dawson and hugged him tightly, tears running down her face streaking her face with mascara.

“I don’t want to do this.” Natalie wailed, clutching into Dawson, her fingernails digging tightly into his shoulders.

Dawson stroked her hair.

“Shh, shh. It’s all right-“

“It’s not alright. I don’t want to marry him. I want you!” Natalie screamed.

The door opened suddenly and Natalie’s mother appeared, livid. “get out here, you disgusting idiot!” she yelled at Dawson. “ No! I want him here!” screamed Natalie.

Two men appeared and began dragging Dawson out. Natalie turned her face to her mother.

“I HATE YOU!” She screamed bitterly, resentment boiling over.

“You stupid child! You don’t know anything! You think what you have with Dawson is love? In two or three years all your so-called passionate feeling would have disappeared and Dawson will be cheating on you with a maid,” her mother said disdainfully.

In half an hour, Natalie’s face was painted, her hair coiffed, her heart stoned. Cameron came into the room.

“Natalie, be brave,” she said, hugging her cousin.

Natalie felt Cameron slip a parcel into her hand. She tried to see what it was but Cameron restrained her.

“Before the ceremony, when you’re alone, see what it is. If you need to use it, so be it. Remember, I love you.”

In the church, organ music was played as Natalie glided down the aisle, clad in a stunning gown of pure white. The train to her frothy skirt trailed behind her, as she walked gracefully towards the altar, one gloved hand holding her skirt to make sure she didn’t trip.

She faced her future husband, James, and she smiled serenely at him. James smiled back at her.

She almost felt sad for James. She knew James loved her, but try as she might, she couldn’t conjure up any feelings for James. She belonged to Dawson, her wonderful Dawson who was too poor for her mother to accept.

She realized the minister talking.

“Do you, James Johnathan, accept Natalie Ann to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do, James said beaming.

“And do you, Natalie Ann, accept James Johnathan to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Natalie let go her skirt, her gloved hand finally revealing what she had been concealing in the satin layers of her skirt. The audience gasped.

“No, I do not.”

Natalie strode down the aisle, people around her looking terrified as she held Cameron’s present firmly in two hands. She reached Dawson, who was at the back row. “Do you want to do this?” she asked Dawson.

Dawson stared at her intensely, and nodded.

“It’s the only way to be together.”

Natalie turned her head to look at Cameron.

“Thank you, Cameron. I love you.”

In one quick moment, she pulled the trigger and Dawson’s head exploded. Blood spattered all over the pews, people shrieking in fear.

Natalie pressed her lips against Dawson’s, and then turned around, facing the horrified audience.

Pressing the pistol to her temple, she pulled the trigger.

And it was the most beautiful pain she had ever lived to feel for.
‘This is my happy ending.’ She whispered as she took in her last breath.

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tagged By Zaza And Daph{1:11 AM}

1. How do you pronounce your name?
~ a-man-duh!

2. Do you like anyone?
~ yeaps..

3. Who was the last person to text you?

~ terence..

4. Who was the last person who really had make you laugh?
~ my fwenz!

5. Do you think your last ex deserves to die?
~ dun have an ex

6. Who was the last person you hung out with?

~ church fwenz..

7. Who was the last person you talked to in person?

~ my sis

8. Who was your last missed call on your cell phone?
~ jen..

9. Do you drink tea?
~ yeapss.

10. Are you happy?
~ yeahh! =DD

11. Is your room clean?
~ yups.. just cleaned it..

12. Has anyone got on your nerves lately?

~ yeah.. but it's alright.. nobody's perfect..

13. What was the last movie you saw and with who?

~ long khong 2.. my silly babes and friends..

14. Do you watch a lot of tv?
~ depends.. haha..=)

15. What are you wearing?
~ shirt and shorts..

16. Would you even dye your hair blonde?
~ nawps.. dunnn wann..

17. Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?

~ dunno.. was dan exhausted.. slept at 2:30+ a.m.. woke up around 7..

18. Did you have a good day yesterday?

~ yeahh..=) missing camp..

19. Are you talking to anyone?
~ it's 1:16 am.. so urm.. no.. told my peeps that i'm watching o.c.. dun wanna be disturbed..haha..

20. Do you have friends?
~ yeahh! love my fwens!

21. Last message and comment on friendster?
~ message dunno..never check.. comment from cindy..

22. Status?
~ single

23. Last song you heard?
~ better in time - leona lewis

24. Who's the last person you hugged?

~ aunty susan..

25. Anything bad happened today?

~ nawps..

26. Currently?
~ doing this and researching for debate club meeting in a few hours from now..

27. What is the closest thing to you that is pink?
~ my pencil case..

28. Is there a secret you never told your bestfriend?
~ can't remember..

29. Do you like to read?

~ yeah.. but depends on the book..

30. Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
~ depends.. =)

I tag:

.: anyone who wants to do this :.

le profil
The name's manda.
I'm 15. 5th april is an important day.
I'm easily pleased (well i think i am)
I absolutely HATE insects. grr!
this is my blog, so hell yeah ur opinion doesn't matter at all
Contact me :) Facebook | Twitter .

Oh yeah, Don't waste ur time haters. Click here.


sweet escape
Anti Ahlian!
Aunty su
Bibiana Teo
Brandi Cyrus
Cindy Chai
Dalia Ng
Kate McGill
Michealin Viana
o2 yuf!
Pei Yi

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